About Us

DRX Decompression System is the Best Non-Surgical Solution for a Bulging or Herniated Disc
We use the most advanced FDA-cleared treatments for Spinal Depression Therapy, coupled with tailor-made treatments to assure our patients get back to their lives faster. Most patients that come to our clinic are suffering with some kind of injured, bulging, herniated or degenerated disc. They have been misunderstood, misdiagnosed and mistreated. Simply put, our Non Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy is like none other.
Signs you may be a Canidate for the DRX-9000
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Pain that shoots numbness and tingling in your arms or legs
A Spinal Condition Including:
- Bulging Disc
- Herniated disc
- Disc Degeneration
- Spinal Stenosis
Doctors Have Told Said You Need:
- Shots
- Pain Management
- Spinal Surgery
- Recovery From Spinal Surgery
For qualified patients this treatment gives the damaged disc a chance to heal. The truth is this, everyone deserves a chance to get well and get out of pain. Everyone deserves to find out if they are a candidate for our Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy. Do you have neck pain, back pain, pain that shoots numbness and tingling in your arms or legs? Also, have you been told that you have a bulging or herniated disc, disc degeneration or spinal stenosis? That you need shots and pain management? Or, that you need some type of spinal surgery or have already had surgery then take the first step towards recovery?

The DRX-9000 has Healed Thousands of Herniated Discs
We have a better way of dealing with your spine-related issues. Call our office and take advantage of our ‘no-cost consultation’ to review your case and find out if you’re a candidate for treatment.