Facet Joint Syndrome
What Causes Facet Joint Syndrome?
For patients suffering from lower back pain, as many as 40% of cases are due to facet joint damage. It’s possible to be suffering from the early stages of facet joint syndrome and not know it. Sometimes an injury can be the catalyst that triggers pain in the damaged joints in the form of a dull persistent ache in the lower back or neck area.
Facet joints are the smaller exterior connections between the vertebrae and like all joints, can be damaged or strained by bad posture and age-related wear and tear. As the discs begin to breakdown, the load becomes uneven, leading to inflammation and the moving of weight onto the facet joints. The sudden added weight, combined with thinning of joint capsules and cartilage, results in painful bone on bone contact.
Symptoms Of Facet JointSyndrome
The most obvious symptom of Facet Joint Syndrom is a dull ache or chronic pain in the spine, back, or neck. Because of the nature of the condition, pain can be sudden and happen only when you turn or twist a specific way, or it may have worsened to the point of constant pain. Any of the following symptoms could be indicators of facet joint damage:
- Specific movements cause pain (twisting or standing up from seated position)
- Neck/lower back pain (pain might extend into your legs)
- Difficulty hyperextending your back
- Tenderness
- Stiffness
- Pain
The specialists at West Texas Neck & Back have a solution for your back pain! We have expertise in administering non-surgical spinal decompression therapy. We are able to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of your spine to determine if you have facet joint syndrome and how far it has progressed. From there, we can recommend a treatment schedule that will give you the best possible results!

Am I At Risk Of Facet JointSyndrome?
Facet Joint Syndrome tends to develop in those aged 40 to 70 and occurs in both men and women. If you have other forms of arthritis or suffered some form of spinal injury in the past, you may be at an increased risk of back problems and the onset of Facet Joint Syndrome. Movements such as twisting or overarching your back will cause greater levels of pain and the potential to do more damage. Standing for prolonged periods may also worsen pain as your bodyweight adds pressure to the facet joints in your spine.
Find Effective and Non-Invasive Relief at West TexasNeck and Back
The most commonly recommended solution for Facet Joint Syndrome is a treatment called Spinal Decompression Therapy. There are two forms that medical professionals offer, Surgical and Non-Surgical. It is recommended that you pursue non-surgical options first as they may be all that is necessary to relieve your pain.
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy
Surgical treatment for facet joints can be risky and requires some serious recovery time. After all, the neck and back house your central nervous system. Attempting to remove or reshape elements of the spine could create more problem areas. Non-surgical treatment avoids risky procedures and takes the non-invasive approach, giving you relief with no recovery time and no hospital visits.
The most effective form of non-surgical treatment involves relieving the pressure placed on discs and joints. By very gently stretching the spine, it creates a negative pressure which allows the disks to retract to their normal position between the vertebrae. This restores balance and eases the pressure on nearby nerves. The action of decompressing also allows oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood to once again enter these areas. This then starts to heal and repair damaged tissues.
Spinal Decompression treatment is administered on extremely precise computer-operated tables or manually by a chiropractic professional. You will likely undergo a form of pre-treatment such as electrical stimulation or Ultrasound. After, the physician will have you lay on the table, placing straps around your waist or ankles. This will slowly begin decompression. A typical session is usually around 30 minutes long. In order to see lasting results, multiple sessions over a period of a few weeks is recommended.
Improve Your Quality of LifeToday With SpinalDecompression
Facet Joint Syndrome is something that can be managed and improved, but you must seek out professional treatment. Call or book a consultation online with one of the specialists at West Texas Neck & Back if you want to slow or fix the damage to your spine. Our trusted medical professionals will determine what treatment is right for you.